A Horse's Christmas

Above: Little Cisco last Christmas, who is missed so much ...

After a morning of gifts, laughter, eating and carols, I wandered outside to say Merry Christmas to my horses, and realised I was anthropomorphising! Just another day for my guys, although they reacted to my clip-on red antlers with much snorting and wide-eyed disbelief at what I had obviously grown on my head overnight!!
All jokes aside, gifts for horses might be many (new rugs, tack, etc) - but likely the best gifts for them (from their POV) would be the present of your undivided attention with rubs, treats and a walk to a fave grazing patch!
So that's what my herd got ... some relaxed hanging out time. I put a soothing Christmas CD into their stable CD player (that was for me), and just hung out, with rubs and scratches and sitting doing nothing in the morning sunshine. Everyone was pretty relaxed (it had been a chilly night and the sun felt good) and I was probably the most relaxed I'd been in a while too, after the busy weeks leading up to December 25.
There were a few treats - politely accepted - and it was beautifully fulfilling and good for the soul. And that's a great gift for anyone!
I hope your Christmas was joyful and heartwarming too.